+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APPLICATION - FORM for the H O L Z H A M M E R - A W A R D and the O R I G I N A L H O L Z H A M M E R ( M A L L E T ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a) AWARD: The "HHD" (Holzhammer-Award) is issued by the DARC local group at Gemuend (DOK:G22) for verified contacts with 7 (DX:3) different members of the HOLZHAMMER-CLUB also called "Wood Choppers Club". The fees are: Euro 6.00 or US$ 10.00 b) ORIGINAL MALLET: The "Original Mallet" is an addition to the "HHD". It is issued only to those holders of the "HHD", which can prove verified contacts with altogether 14 (DX:7) members of the HOLZHAMMER-CLUB. The fees are: Euro 12.00 or US$ 20.00 All contacts since the 1st of January 1973 are valid. There are no limitations concerning the usage of bands and modes. Both Award and Mallet may also be applied by SWL's for verified reception reports. Applications should be submitted by GCR - send no QSL's, please ! Members of the HOLZHAMMER-CLUB are all members of the DARC local group at Gemuend (G22), all former members of the group as well as the holders of the "BIG MALLET", which is awarded once a year for an extraordinary merit in german amateur radio. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Applications to DF 2 KD Applicant: ______________________________ Karl-Dieter Heinen ___________________________________ Kropelspfad 3 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ D-53925 K A L L ___________________________________ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ List of members of the HOLZHAMMER-CLUB with ex-calls updated: 28.06.20 4S7FG _____________ Feroz WU9N 4X1AT +06__________ Ahron 4X4AT DA0LRS ____________ DA2DW _____________ Lionel DB0EI _____________ DB0HC _____________ until 1998 DB0HHC ____________ DB0NRW ____________ 1996/1997 DB1WG _____________ Eckhard DB2KV _____________ Hans-Jürgen DB3KS qrt__________ Susi (since 1983) DB4KI _____________ Margret DB4KL _____________ Jörg DB5EI _____________ Wolfgang DB5JP +18 _________ Bernd (until 1977) DB6KD _____________ Gerald DB6RK _____________ Rudi (since 2004) DB7KW _____________ Heinz DB7PAT ____________ Patrick DO7PAT (until 2011) DB7PE _____________ Pascal (since 1997) DB8KJ +09__________ Nico (since 1982),ON9SN,ON9BAI DB9KL _____________ Helmut DB9PG _____________ Bernd DB9PH _____________ Helmut DC2KH _____________ Claus-Werner (until 2009) DC2KV _____________ Hans (since 1984) DC4KK _____________ Willi DC4QL _____________ Peter DC5KC +20 _________ Hans-Peter ON8CD DC5KE _____________ Margret (since 4/1984),DL-G22/1646710 DC6KI _____________ Wolfgang (since 1985) DC8MF _____________ Hans-Josef DD4KB DD1KK _____________ Hans-Joachim DD2KC _____________ Klaus (since 1984) DD2KI _____________ Harald DD3PA _____________ Alfred DD4KA _____________ Hans Dieter DD7AA _____________ Wolfgang DD7KB _____________ Gerd DD7KD +02 _________ Horst DD7KK _____________ Marcus DD8AK _____________ Alex DD9AA _____________ Wolfgang DE0QHC ____________ DE1PHM ____________ Peter G22/2152502 DE3GWE ____________ Gerhard DE5HHC ____________ Gitta DE6HHC ____________ Ellen DE8HHC ____________ Trudi DF0CFG qrt_________ DF0DIG ____________ DF0HHC ____________ DF0JZ _____________ (only 1984/85) DF1DV _____________ Marcus DF1KF _____________ Wolfgang DC5KF,DE5HSC DF1KL +04__________ Wolfgang DE1KLW DF1TB _____________ Thomas DF2KD _____________ Dieter DC5KD,DE1KDH DF2KM _____________ Monika DF3GL _____________ Klaus DC9EF,DL3KDT DF3TE _____________ Elfi ZP2EHA DF3MIB ____________ Andreas DF4KC _____________ Wolf-Rüdiger DF4UM _____________ Marion DF6QP _____________ Ulla DF7KK _____________ Thomas DE7THB DF7KZ _____________ Marcel DE7CML DF7WU +11__________ Edith DF7YV _____________ Hans-Joachim DF8JW _____________ Berthold DG3EZ DF8KW _____________ Karl-Georg DB9KX,ON8DE,DE1KGH DF8KY _____________ Karl-Josef DD9KW,DE8KJM DF8PE _____________ Christian DF8QK _____________ Udo DF9DL _____________ Klaus DG1DW DF9KM _____________ Peter DC5KO DF9KO _____________ Karl Heinz DF9KR _____________ Eckhard DG1KAM ____________ Peter (since 11/1986) DG1KSA ____________ Achim DG1KTH ____________ Thomas DG2KAO ____________ Kurt (since 9/1990) DG2KBJ ____________ Gerd DG2KMS ____________ Maria DG2KQ _____________ Dieter DG3KQ +92 _________ Willi ON8KQ DG3TK _____________ Tobias (since 1997) DG4TH _____________ Torsten DH0KP _____________ Sepp (since 1996),DE3GLH DH1PAL ____________ Werner DB7PY(76-84),PY5ZAA(81/82),DE0PYA,K32/38687 DH2GW _____________ Gerhard (since 12/97),DC1GW(1997) DH2KB _____________ Björn (since 1996),DE3GLE DH3KAN ____________ Reinhard (since 1987),DB5KY DH3WR _____________ Ralf DH4SW _____________ Stefan DG9KAW(1987-1998) DH5JR _____________ Hannelore (since 1993),DB5JR(until 1/1993) DH8KAD ____________ Christoph DL-G22/1952027 DH8KAG ____________ Gerhard DD7KC DH8KAL ____________ Helmut DC5KE,DE8KAL DH9KO _____________ Helmut DD9KO(until 1992),DE2HHC DJ0HF _____________ Ian DJ0SR _____________ Anthony DJ0VZ +10__________ Hans 4S7VZ,DE1DIG DJ1BG _____________ Bernd DJ1XK +05__________ Jochen DJ1XP +91 _________ Klaus DJ1YFK ____________ Fabian DJ2YE +19__________ Diethelm HB9AON, HB0/HB9AON DJ3HU +11__________ Erich DJ3KS _____________ Herbert DJ4UF _____________ Eckart DJ4ZC _____________ Karl DJ5KX _____________ Stefan DE1STE,DG4KZ DJ5OS _____________ Bruno ZP2BKA DJ6AI +85 _________ Karl Heinz DJ6AN _____________ Ulfried DJ6FS _____________ Dieter DJ6PN _____________ Peter (since 98),DG6PN(96-98) DJ6UP +20__________ Peter DJ6XV +19__________ Peter DJ7CL +19__________ Wolfgang DJ7SM +19__________ Franz-Fosef DJ8OT +18__________ Eberhard DJ8PI +19__________ Uwe "Pip" DJ9MH _____________ Hajo DK0EO _____________ DE0QHK DK0HH _____________ DK0HHC ____________ DK1DF +86 _________ Klaus DK1FE _____________ Elke DK1FR _____________ Karl DK1JB _____________ Jens (since 96),DE3GLB,DH0KB(96) DK1QZ +85 _________ Josef DK3FF _____________ Ernst DK3HK _____________ Heinz (since 2007),DG9KK DK3WD _____________ Dirk DD3DW(2.) DK4KE _____________ Werner DK4UK +22__________ Ulrich DO8UK DK4YL _____________ Gertraud DC1YX DK5JI _____________ Hans DE0AAA DK5KE _____________ Ludwig DK5WY +94 _________ Erwin 4S7WY DK6KE _____________ Manfred DK6KO _____________ Stefan (since 84),DG2KA,DL8KBI(until 84) DK7EI +20__________ Egon DK7KA _____________ Klaus DE7KAS DK8EH _____________ Heidrun DC5ER DK8KL _____________ Angela DC3KQ,4S7KL,DE0KLA DK8UE +21__________ Walter DK9KA +09__________ Walter DK9KE +93 _________ Werner DK9WK +10__________ Georg DL0EF _____________ (since 1997) DL0FQ _____________ DL0HHC ____________ DL0JH _____________ (until 1997) DL0JVA ____________ DL0KAC ____________ DL1BU _+08_________ Günter DL1FKB ____________ Andrea DL1IMB ____________ Ingo DM1IMB DL1JJ _____________ Uli DB3JU DL1KBR +87 ________ Walter DG1KAV DL1KBT +87 ________ Kunibert DL1KDP ____________ Petra DG6KAK(86/87),DH0KAH(87/Jan.88) DL1KDW ____________ Werner DG4KCD/DH4KCD(91),DE3HHC DL1KDY ____________ Manfred DB8KV,DH3KAZ,ON8KV DL1KDZ ____________ Klaus DD3KY,DE1KZH DL1KES ____________ Erik DG4KBX(94-95) DL1KGF ____________ Geert DB6KF(until 91) DL1KLE ____________ Lothar DD1KR(until 92),DH1KL(92) DL1KMK ____________ Marion DD2KD(until 91),DH2KD(92) DL1MGB ____________ Christian DL1MGS ____________ Valerie DL1MMF ____________ Maike DO6MMF DL1SYL +18_________ Traudel DM3CUB,Y23UB DL1ZAX ____________ Dietmar DL2KAP +09_________ Heike DE2KAP DL2KBU +22_________ Klaus DD2KL,LX2LK DL2KBX ____________ Klaus (since 97),DG4KBY(94-97) DL2KCI +12_________ Hans-Otto DL2KCR ____________ Bernd DG4KG,DH6KAG DL2KDI +15_________ Hans-Jürgen DD2KM(until 9/89) DL2KJP +19_________ Achim DG4KCP/DH4KCP(91) DL2KLB ____________ Lothar DD3KU(until 91),DH3KU(92) DL2VB _____________ Marvin DL2WI QRT__________ Jürgen 5V7WI,DU2JPW,4F2WI DL3GL _____________ Hans-Peter DL3KBM ____________ Marita DD9KU DL3KBR ____________ Brigitte DG4KH DL3KDL ____________ Achim DD3ATL DL3KMB ____________ Michael DL3KN _____________ Sven (since 1999) DL3OE +10__________ Wolfgang DL3RK +93 _________ Walter DL3SDK ____________ Reinhard DL3YAT ____________ Georg DL3ZI _____________ Manfred DL4BO _____________ Ingrid DL4EU _____________ Eugen DL4HBT +98 ________ Heinrich DC2HC DL4MFM ____________ Mario DL4YB _____________ Ernest ON8RC,DA2YB(until 1999) DL5ATJ ____________ Torsten DC5TJ DL5KAQ +21_________ Alfred DB7KX,DE5KAQ DL6FRG ____________ Frank DO6FRG DL6IM +07__________ Günter DL6KAY ____________ Brigitte DG6KAH,DE1SAW DL6KBJ ____________ Ralf (since 95),DG4KBR,DH4KBR DL6KBV ____________ Dieter DG2KAF,DH6KAD DL6MHW ____________ Michael DL7ABV +97 ________ Christian DL8AJ +95 _________ Otto DL8KBL ____________ Heinz DD2KC(until 84) DL8KBO ____________ Willi DB9KO,DE5KAR DL8ZV +04__________ Hans-Günter DL9AR +15__________ Albert DL9GS _____________ Alfred DL9KBC +18_________ Karl-Josef (since 95) DL9KBD ____________ Curt (since 88),DB3KX,PA9AGY DL9KBK ____________ Gerd DD7KA DL9KCE ____________ Thilo DL9KCO ____________ Hermann DG5KAB(86/87) DL9MH _____________ Horst DL9SJ _____________ Peter DL9XN +03__________ Hans-Christian DL9XW +12__________ Hans-Peter DM4KCS ____________ Christan DN1NN _____________ Training Call DK5KE DN3IB _____________ Training Call DK3HK DN3SW _____________ Training Call DD7KK DN4UE _____________ Training Call DK8UE DN5FE _____________ Training Call DK1FE DN5KY _____________ Training Call DF8KY DO1ABA ____________ Andrea DO1PIL +15_________ Mary DO1SWM ____________ Stefan DO1YD _____________ Yannik DO2FD _____________ David DO2PMH ____________ Philip DO5FK _____________ Frank DO5JX _____________ Boris DO5KO _____________ Stefan DO5KY _____________ Philip DO6NN _____________ Mario DO7KAT ____________ Olli DO7LF _____________ Florian DO7LI _____________ Lisa DO7WHO ____________ Sina LX1AK _____________ Armand LX1AO +12__________ Armand LX1CC _____________ Mill LX1CR _____________ Claude LX1FK _____________ Fernand LX1GR _____________ Gilbert LX1LX _____________ Marc LX1MK _____________ Ray LX1PM _____________ Paul LX1RR _____________ Ray F8VNU LX1SC _____________ Claude LX1SM _____________ Simone OE1WHC +22_________ Wolf OE3WHC OE3HOW +80 ________ Helmut OE6HOW OE3KRA +08_________ Rudi OE8GNK ____________ Gerald OK1AR _____________ Zdeno OM6AR, OK1ARH ON4MGX ____________ Wolfgang DD7KA(1984-2000),ON1MGX UY5AA _____________ Igor UB5AAF,RB5AA YU8TDX ____________ Weton "Tony" 4N8TDX SWL-G22 ___________ Robert Knauf DE-18937 SWL-G22 ___________ Heinz-Josef Heller DL-1946672 SWL-G22 ___________ Leander Meyering SWL-LX ____________ Myriam LX-91254 *******************************************************************************